A gritty anti-hero, a menacing super villain, and a naive sidekick walk into an interrogation room...
"THE TRAINEE is kinda like a blooper reel from a live action version of The Incredibles. Hilarious." - Haddonfield Horror
"Funny for all the right reasons... 'THE TRAINEE' is exactly the sort of superhero nightmare the comics never show us. A must for any superhero junkie." - Unseen Films
"Funny for all the right reasons... 'THE TRAINEE' is exactly the sort of superhero nightmare the comics never show us. A must for any superhero junkie." - Unseen Films
Ryan Couldrey: Producer, director, cinematographer, editor
Kira Hall: Actor ('The Trainee/Riley Ludwig'), co-writer, co-producer
Marcella Young: Actor ('The Enforcer')
Brian Quintero: Actor ('Edison')
Rob Walker: Co-writer, script supervisor
Vy Nguyen: First AC
Margo Paige: Hair, makeup, and blood (of course)
Graham Robinson: Sound recordist
Mariam Bastani: BTS and Production Assistant
Sean Galbraith: Production Assistant
Music: Licensed via Filmstro
Kira Hall: Actor ('The Trainee/Riley Ludwig'), co-writer, co-producer
Marcella Young: Actor ('The Enforcer')
Brian Quintero: Actor ('Edison')
Rob Walker: Co-writer, script supervisor
Vy Nguyen: First AC
Margo Paige: Hair, makeup, and blood (of course)
Graham Robinson: Sound recordist
Mariam Bastani: BTS and Production Assistant
Sean Galbraith: Production Assistant
Music: Licensed via Filmstro
With thanks to Andrea Subissati, Dustin Pepper, and Dante the Rue Mutt for the amazing location.